Mineola Kiwanis is at work year around to support a wide range of charitable programs throughout city and Wood County.

Senior Scholarships
Mineola Kiwanis contributes merit-based scholarships to applicants from both Mineola and Alba-Golden ISDs. Much of what we do on a year around basis is aimed at providing the resources required to reward students at both our area school districts by presenting them with funds to assist with their studies.

Student Leadership Programs
Kiwanis, as an organization, supports a number of different clubs aimed at helping students of all ages and adults with disabilities to develop leadership skills in order to become valuable members of society, as detailed below:
• K-Kids is the Kiwanis program designed for Elementary School children
• Builders Club is the Kiwanis program designed for Middle School children.
• Key Club is the Kiwanis program designed for students in High School.
• Circle K International is the Kiwanis Program designed for College Students.
• Aktion Club is the Kiwanis program designed for adults with disabilities.
• Kiwanis Clubs around the world serve the needs of communities and charities with members from all walks of life.
For up-to-date details of Mineola Kiwanis activities, please visit our Facebook page: